Welcome to MDF. We're on a mission to To improve the lives of the people by reducing the burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases and social inequalities affecting orphans, vulnerable children, women and the elderly in Cross River State. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Global Hand Washing day!
Theme: "Our Future Is At Hand-Lets Move Forward Together "

The Mediatrix Development Foundation(MDF) on the 15th of October marked Hand-Washing Day @St Bernad Primary school, Calabar to commemorate the day. 
Wash your hands regularly 
Use soap and water for atleast 40-60 seconds
Keep them dried after washing.

Teaching children healthy and proper hand-washing is of essence.
Let's live GERM FREE!

Steps for proper hand washing includes;
1. Wet hands, wet your hands and apply enough liquid soap/bar soap and form a lather

2. Rub palms together 
3. Rub the back of the hands 
4. Interlink your fingers 
5. Cup your fingers 
6. Clean and wash the thumb
7. Rub palms with your fingers 
8. Rinse with clean running water 💧
9. Dry Hands with a clean towel.

Together we can achieve a germ free environment.



Calabar, Nigeria

  • Starting Time: 10:10AM to 02:10PM
  • Date: 15 October, 2021
  • Phone: +2348033767992