World Malaria Day is observed annually on 25 April, to bring global attention to the efforts being made to bring an end to malaria, and encourage action to reduce suffering and death from the disease that continues to pose a threat to mankind. Malaria is caused due to the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito (which is infected with the malaria-causing plasmodium parasite).
This year's theme, “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives”, aligns with our call to urgently scale up innovation and the deployment of new tools in the fight against malaria, while advocating for equitable access to malaria prevention and treatment.
Keep your home and surroundings clean without any junks or wastes.
Sleep under insecticide treated Net
Get tested for fever before Treatment
Malaria RDT test results are reliable
If no malaria from test then there is no malaria
Use only ACTs for treatment of Malaria
Calabar, Nigeria